Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Radio & Signing

Just back from South Africa, and it was straight into a radio interview on BBC Radio Surrey/Sussex, with the irrepressible Sarah Gorrell.

Rgular readers of this blog will know that I talked to Sarah last November, and posted the interview clip on my website. Well, it was off to Brighton to do a followup. Sarah was on great form, and we chatted about my promotion of the book in SA, and the enthusiasm of readers there - and worldwide. Also talked about the power of the Internet in spreading the word, through the stealthy alliance of website, blog and facebook...
I must admit that I've loved doing these live radio stints, they really concentrate the mind: banish the umms, don't hesitate, choose words carefully, smile! Sarah has taken Karoo Plainsong on as a project for the year, and has asked me to keep her updated with the book's progress. Maybe we'll do another interview later in the year? The clip is posted up on the Media page of my website, so have a listen.

I also mentioned on air my upcoming book signing at Waterstones in Guildford this past Saturday. Would this galvanise folk to call in and buy signed copies?
Did it ever!
We sold out of the in-store stock in 40 minutes, and I had to rush extra copies to the shop to keep up with the demand. In all I sold 64 books in one morning session, which apparently is unprecedented (except, I guess, if you're Dan Brown, or maybe Nigella?)

Next book signing is on 9th April at Waterstones in Woking, from 11am till 3pm.
Look forward to seeing you if you're in the area!

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