Friday, 2 May 2014

Who's listening/reading out there?

I've been writing my blog for almost 4 years!
I started in June of 2010, to mark the self publication of the manuscript that would become The Housemaid's Daughter. 88 blogs later (gasp) and I'm still at it. Why?

Mostly because of the comments and interest from readers who've read the book and then spotted the blog in their wanderings around the Internet and got in touch either via this page, or facebook, or my publishers. Here's one:

I am in a small town in North Carolina, US, and yet I've been transported to South Africa. I have been tearful though much of your book... but now they are tears of joy and hopefulness...

UK readers make up the highest percentage of those reading the blog, followed by North America and South Africa. Recently, with the publication of the US edition in Dec 2013, the number of interested American readers has shot up and is about to eclipse the UK figures. But it's the smaller numbers that are the most intriguing: there has been steady interest from Russian readers - despite the fact that there is no Russian translation as yet. And, furthermore, the Russian figures are double those from Australia, which is really strange given that the Aussies have had the book in their shops for a year or so. And who would have expected a faithful contingent from Latvia? (no Latvian translation yet, either)
I wonder...

It has certainly been a journey for me, from the early days of promoting the book on my own and wearing out much shoe leather, to the arrival of The Housemaid's Daughter in a variety of languages - and its easy availability on kindles and iPads and all manner of smartphones. I clearly remember holding an iPad at a fair in 2010 before the device was released in the UK. I never imagined that within a few short years I'd see my first novel on its screen. Or that I'd be writing a regular blog about its progress.
So keep sharing and spreading the word!

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