Monday 1 January 2024

Happy New Year! Sunrise on 2024...

Did you know that 2024 is set to be a record-breaking year? For example, there will be more elections in more countries than any other year in history. Some will be free and fair, some will not, but it it does mean that more of us will be putting our cross on a ballot than ever before. 

Will the leaders we choose - or don't choose - have the ability to confront the challenges that lie ahead? For example, this past year was the hottest on record and, according to opinion polls, most of us expect the world to be hotter this coming year. But those same polls also reflect optimism: we expect 2024 to be a better year, overall, than 2023. Will this come true? Who knows. 

Let's look at a few slightly more unusual happenings that will distract us in 2024.
Extra-terrestrially, there is one particular event that we will be watching: after an absence of some 50 years, astronauts will once again circle the moon and look down on its surface - and look back at us. Meanwhile, on earth, Paris will host an Olympics in which breakdancing will take its place alongside the more traditional sports. Then there is the 29th February 2024... a 'leap' day added every 4 years to keep our calendar in line with the solar year - and a day when, according to some traditions, a woman can take the initiative to propose marriage to her man! Out of this world!
And finally, don't forget National Marmalade Week in April in the UK... unmissable! 

Happy 2024!

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