Thursday 2 April 2015

Quotes and Reviews - and a thought...

Here I am with my copies of the US paperback version of The Housemaid's Daughter.
How is it doing?

Well, if you nip onto the website of the most famous online bookstore (their .com site) then you'll be able to see approx 180 reviews of the book, dating from the hardback over a year ago, through the e-book and CD format to today's paperback. It makes interesting reading for me, as the author. Each person has a particular take on the story. Probably 95% of the reviews are wonderfully uplifting, but a couple of folk weren't so keen. Wouldn't it be boring if we all thought the same?

The book is also featured on Goodreads, the huge online book club that started out in the USA and has now spread worldwide. There, I have received 2000 ratings, and over 350 readers have taken the trouble to write reviews. Thank you! Goodreads also allows readers to nominate their favourite quotes in the book. The one that has struck most people is this one, perhaps you will remember it:

And I remind myself that wherever one finds oneself, home and love is lent to each of us only for a while.
We must care for it while it's ours, and cherish its memory once it's gone...

An inspiring thought, in today's turbulent world...

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