Wednesday 7 April 2021

Insta Connections!

Let's step back for a moment to my first novel, The Housemaid's Daughter. Next year will be the 10th anniversary of its publication in English, followed by translation into many languages. 

To my surprise, the book is still attracting attention, especially via social media platforms like Instagram, where captioned images are posted by readers using a hashtag of the author's name, in my case  #barbaramutch. This gathers a community who speak different languages, inhabit different corners of the world and yet are united by the fact that they happen to have read the same book and have an opinion about it! 

I can follow photos and comments in French, Polish, Spanish, Dutch, Croatian... traditional print reviews seem tame by comparison! The rise of new media and the opportunity it gives modern authors to connect - instantly - with readers is a huge change. I can see how many readers in France, Spain or Poland, for example, are posting about the book. I can read what they're saying (with help, at times, from Google translate!), and I can reply if I wish. The platform offers a dynamic snapshot of who's saying what, who's enjoying it, perhaps who's just had a coffee and taken a picture of their cup alongside The Housemaid's Daughter, or Kolor jej Serca, or Une Chanson pour Ada or La bambina dagli occhi di cielo... 
Welcome to the latest view of online reviews!

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